Best quotes by Emma Roberts on Love

Checkout quotes by Emma Roberts on Love

  • I love dressing up. It's the best part of being a girl, I think.
    - Emma Roberts
  • I'd love to work with Rachel McAdams, because she's a great actress.
    - Emma Roberts
  • I love vintage shopping, I think it's really fun. And I love the feeling of finding the most amazing piece for less.
    - Emma Roberts
  • I'd love to maybe try writing. I don't know if I'd publish anything, but as a hobby, it's really nice. I bought a typewriter, and I really like to write on the typewriter sometimes. It's a fun little hobby.
    - Emma Roberts
  • I'd love to do a comedy like 'Bridesmaids;' I think that would be so fun. I would play the Kristen Wiig character.
    - Emma Roberts
  • I love to just work with new people in general. It's always really fun.
    - Emma Roberts
  • I love dark chocolate. I love it.
    - Emma Roberts
  • I love doing kind of more kiddish-oriented movies, but I also love doing adult things. And I think it's fun to do a mix.
    - Emma Roberts
  • I would like to be recognized for my style, because I love clothes.
    - Emma Roberts