Best quotes by Robert Hass on Poetry

Checkout quotes by Robert Hass on Poetry

  • When I was younger, I was so crazy about poetry that I didn't notice who was noticing. It seemed to me so tremendous and large.
    - Robert Hass
  • Not to make too much of a claim for poetry, but this is a question that goes to the moral heart of the business of any art: 'How do you see the world, and what right do you have to see the world in the way that you do?'
    - Robert Hass
  • I think that the job of poetry, its political job, is to refresh the idea of justice, which is going dead in us all the time.
    - Robert Hass
  • I teach a lecture course on American poetry to as many as 150 students. For a lot of them, it's their only elective, so this is their one shot. They'll take the Russian Novel or American Poetry, so I want to give them the high points, the inescapable poets.
    - Robert Hass
  • The Vietnam War and the Iraq war, in different ways, both made me feel like I could not not address them. I'm very doubtful about the usefulness of poetry to do that.
    - Robert Hass