Best quotes by Ellen Stofan on Life

Checkout quotes by Ellen Stofan on Life

  • What we expect to find, certainly in our own solar system, are probably simple single or multiple-cell forms of life. To get to intelligent life takes stability of conditions over huge, long periods of time.
    - Ellen Stofan
  • To unambiguously settle the questions of whether there was life on Mars, it will take scientists down on the surface.
    - Ellen Stofan
  • We're going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system.
    - Ellen Stofan
  • There's a huge question of whether you really need water for life.
    - Ellen Stofan
  • I grew up in this business... A lot of my life has been centered around this question about how NASA is helping us to understand our own home planet... and to understand our place in the universe.
    - Ellen Stofan
  • If I had an unlimited budget, I would really be probing that question of life because we know what the questions are, and we know what the destinations are.
    - Ellen Stofan
  • Mars was this water-based planet, and we know there was stable water on the surface for a long time, which is critical for life having a chance to develop.
    - Ellen Stofan
  • Water-based life is very much an Earth-centric view, and we can push the envelope on that here in our own solar system. We have the methane seas of Titan.
    - Ellen Stofan
  • I'm so biased to this issue of the origins of life and the limits of life.
    - Ellen Stofan