Best quotes by Matthew Ramsey on People

Checkout quotes by Matthew Ramsey on People

  • That's the challenge as a songwriter is that there's only so many things people want to hear about, and relationships is just one of those things.
    - Matthew Ramsey
  • This goes for our songwriting as well as our success as a band - the minute we stopped chasing what we thought people wanted to hear and started writing things that moved us, that's when people started paying attention.
    - Matthew Ramsey
  • The most important thing I can say is to make music that moves you. Don't try and chase what's on the radio or what you think people want to hear.
    - Matthew Ramsey
  • We don't want to be the standard thing. We're more interested in having people hate us than glaze over us. We'd rather have a reaction than be in the middle.
    - Matthew Ramsey
  • We never really dreamed of being a band until it just naturally happened. All of a sudden, we were like, 'Maybe we should take this kind of seriously, because people seem to like it.'
    - Matthew Ramsey
  • It's very rewarding to know that people respect what you do.
    - Matthew Ramsey
  • When people want to be associated with us, in the end, that's going to help us gain more fans.
    - Matthew Ramsey
  • A band in our position, we have a first impression to make. We don't want to come out of the gate and make people sad. I think we consciously made that choice to keep it happy and up.
    - Matthew Ramsey
  • I think it's natural for people to see a band and imagine themselves as part of that. That's what I grew up fantasizing about, looking at posters of bands on my wall. There is an allure to a band.
    - Matthew Ramsey
  • When we come on the radio, people will go, 'That's Old Dominion,' 'cause it's a sound that can only be made by whatever the five of us make together.
    - Matthew Ramsey
  • There's a lot of people out there - like, a lot of people out there - that wouldn't know our music if it wasn't for Spotify.
    - Matthew Ramsey