Best quotes by Ed Reed on Life

Checkout quotes by Ed Reed on Life

  • I want to be the best, but it comes with a lot of work. And it can be pressure if you put it on yourself in that way. But if I keep going the way I'm going, and with the good Lord guiding me the way he's been guiding me, and the way I let him take control of my life, the sky is the limit.
    - Ed Reed
  • Ever since I was a kid, I knew I could play in the NFL because I had a knack for the game. But I can't play this game forever. When I'm finished, maybe I'll become a motivational speaker, maybe a preacher. But children need to know that life may be hard, but you can always overcome.
    - Ed Reed
  • Especially in black communities, we've been so groomed to stay where we are and not like people in the other neighborhoods. It's crazy. It won't allow people to experience life and see what the world truly has to offer. People are stuck in their ways, stuck in their communities, stuck on their streets.
    - Ed Reed
  • I'm always excited about life.
    - Ed Reed
  • Working out is a part of life.
    - Ed Reed
  • Not everybody is going to understand you. You can't please everybody. That's just human nature. Everybody has their opinion, and that's going to be there. You deal with it. You take it in stride. You take the good with the bad, the bad with the good. That's part of life.
    - Ed Reed