Best quotes by Scott Turow on Law

Checkout quotes by Scott Turow on Law

  • All my novels are about the ambiguities that lie beneath the sharp edges of the law.
    - Scott Turow
  • I love criminal law. It must be the Dostoyevskian streak in me. I'm fascinated by the accumulation of forces that make people behave in ways that everybody else hates.
    - Scott Turow
  • The great break of my literary career was going to law school.
    - Scott Turow
  • Like most Americans of my age, I was very impressed by the dynamic capacities of the law, demonstrated by the Civil Rights Movement and then Watergate, animated by Sam Ervin's mantra that no person is above the law.
    - Scott Turow
  • I always say, and I mean it, that the great break of my literary career was when I went to law school.
    - Scott Turow
  • I practise law almost every day. Exclusively criminal work these days.
    - Scott Turow
  • The American preoccupation with the law, which is certainly not past, was at its zenith in 1995. The 1980s, the late 1980s, had sort of begun to percolate up to public consciousness this enormous interest in the law.
    - Scott Turow
  • I'm an ambitious person, and Harvard makes me feel successful, just having gotten in here. That's the ugly side of why I'm proud of being at Harvard Law School. Another reason is because there's a spirit of serious intellectual endeavor here.
    - Scott Turow