Best quotes by Ed Davey on Energy

Checkout quotes by Ed Davey on Energy

  • We are strong supporters of energy efficiency. The question is: what is the most appropriate way of doing it?
    - Ed Davey
  • By leading on a strong emissions reduction target, the U.K. is persuading others on the need for member states to have the freedom and flexibility to develop their own energy mix to achieve these ambitious reductions.
    - Ed Davey
  • We need to invest in home-grown clean energy that will bring cheaper prices in the long run, shielding consumers from volatile international fossil fuel markets.
    - Ed Davey
  • Britain's energy markets were a mess in 2010.
    - Ed Davey
  • Ed Miliband rails against energy companies and says the market isn't working. But wasn't he Britain's first secretary of state for energy and climate change in 2008?
    - Ed Davey
  • I am not going to give up on renewable energy.
    - Ed Davey
  • One of the most exciting opportunities created by renewable energy technologies like solar is the ability to help the world's poorest develop faster - but more sustainably too.
    - Ed Davey