Best quotes by Jerry Greenfield on Business

Checkout quotes by Jerry Greenfield on Business

  • Business can be a source of progressive change.
    - Jerry Greenfield
  • So much business is based on the belief that we should do whatever we can within legal limits to make as much money as we can. Ben & Jerry's was based on values, and we try to operate a business that not just sells ice cream but partners with all our stakeholders - whether that's suppliers or customers - to bring about a more sustainable world.
    - Jerry Greenfield
  • It's good to stand for something, to believe in something and base your business on values.
    - Jerry Greenfield
  • When you are led by values, it doesn't cost your business, it helps your business.
    - Jerry Greenfield
  • Now, when we face a problem like global warming, and you understand that the biggest impacts on global warming come from business and industry, I think business needs to take a leading role.
    - Jerry Greenfield
  • The reality is that most companies are not about any values at all - they are about making money. It is extremely rare for a business to stand for anything because most businesses don't want to alienate potential customers, and if you believe in anything you are going to alienate someone.
    - Jerry Greenfield
  • Businesses can lead with their values and make money, too. You don't have to simply be purely profit-driven. You can integrate social and environmental concerns into a business, be a caring business, be a generous business and still do very well financially.
    - Jerry Greenfield
  • Look at your business and the activities that you undertake. Then, start to think about not just your economic concerns, but about social and environmental impacts that businesses have.
    - Jerry Greenfield