Best quotes by Nita Strauss on Guitar

Checkout quotes by Nita Strauss on Guitar

  • I love to play guitar. I've never really been the type of guitar player that goes, 'I'll only play this style of music or that thing.'
    - Nita Strauss
  • It's not odd to be a female in a band anymore. It's not odd to be a girl carrying a guitar case to a gig.
    - Nita Strauss
  • It's hard to get a start as an instrumental guitar player. It's a much quicker route to be in a band, so I was always in a band and writing songs with singers, but I always had the dream in the back of my mind to make an instrumental record.
    - Nita Strauss
  • The guitar player that I'm doing my solo tour with, Angel Vivaldi, he's been releasing incredible guitar albums and people just don't really know about them because instrumental guitar isn't really at the forefront of music these days.
    - Nita Strauss
  • I started playing guitar because of instrumental guitar music.
    - Nita Strauss
  • I saw Jennifer Batten do a cool guitar solo before I ever saw any other girl do a cool guitar solo.
    - Nita Strauss
  • I started playing guitar because of seeing Steve Vai.
    - Nita Strauss
  • You can be in the band, you can go buy your own guitar strings at Guitar Center, you can go and do everything the boys can do and you're not the oddity anymore.
    - Nita Strauss
  • All my real heroes made instrumental albums. All my own career has been spent playing in bands, but I never forgot that dream of what inspired me to pick up the guitar in the first place.
    - Nita Strauss
  • I dreamed of recording a guitar album since I started playing, but I just never felt ready. I never felt like I was the player that I wanted to be. But I had this epiphany: you're never going to feel ready.
    - Nita Strauss
  • I don't really find it to be a man-dominated industry. I mean, I guess when you look at it, it is, but I don't really look at it as a female or male thing, or female or male guitar players or whatever.
    - Nita Strauss
  • I was definitely not one of those kids prodigy guitar players.
    - Nita Strauss
  • Yes, of course, I've been dreaming about it since I was a kid. Even now, I'm 31 years-old now and I've never been on a cover of a magazine. It makes you feel in such a way to do it with my signature guitar and to have it be Guitar Player magazine, it was really just an amazing experience.
    - Nita Strauss
  • I think my best advice for young guitar players is that it's not an easy road - definitely not; female guitar player or male guitar player, it's not an easy road at all.
    - Nita Strauss
  • So, really, I just try to be the best guitar player I can be - not the best female guitar player, not the best 'X amount of years' guitar player, or whatever - just the best guitar player.
    - Nita Strauss