Best quotes by Yolanda Hadid on People

Checkout quotes by Yolanda Hadid on People

  • Some people come into our life as a blessing, while others come into our life as a lesson, so love them for who they are instead of judging them for who they are not.
    - Yolanda Hadid
  • When the chips are down, life forces you to take inventory and reevaluate the people in your life.
    - Yolanda Hadid
  • Being raised by a Catholic father, a Protestant mother, and marrying the Muslim father of my three children, I encourage people to respect and at least try to understand different religions.
    - Yolanda Hadid
  • The tabloids so easily throw people under the bus for a one-day sensation on the newsstand but sadly don't care about the long-term damage it does to those involved.
    - Yolanda Hadid
  • The core of people don't change... what you see is what you get.
    - Yolanda Hadid