Best quotes by Douglas Trumbull on Movies

Checkout quotes by Douglas Trumbull on Movies

  • Movies used to be called the 'flicks' because they flickered badly: because 16 or 18 frames a second - which was those hand cranked movies on a single-bladed shutter - was really badly flickering.
    - Douglas Trumbull
  • There was every reason to honestly say that 3D was a gimmick. And it's largely true. And it's largely pretty bad. When you put a filter in front of the projector, and you put on your glasses and cut the light in half again, the movies are dim as hell, and they give you headaches and eye strain, and it's terrible.
    - Douglas Trumbull
  • It's not appropriate to a love story, or - there are a million stories you could think of that don't need 3D. A lot of movies don't even need color!
    - Douglas Trumbull
  • I'd formed a research and development company under the banner of Paramount Pictures back in about 1975, and its mandate was to explore advanced forms of entertainment, not just movies.
    - Douglas Trumbull
  • My personal feeling is that ultra-high frame rates and ultra-vivid giant screen movies can be like a window onto reality. And if you recognize it as such, you can write your screenplay, direct your movie, edit it, and present it as a live experience - not like a movie.
    - Douglas Trumbull