Best quotes by Richard N. Haass on Difficult

Checkout quotes by Richard N. Haass on Difficult

  • It is difficult to think of a foreign policy issue that preoccupies and polarizes world opinion as much as the Palestinian question.
    - Richard N. Haass
  • Difficult choices, unlike red wine, rarely improve with age.
    - Richard N. Haass
  • Nationalism is a tool increasingly used by leaders to bolster their authority, especially amid difficult economic and political conditions.
    - Richard N. Haass
  • Terrorism needs to be de-legitimized in the way that slavery has been. Doing so will make governments and individuals think twice before becoming a party to terrorism; it should also make it less difficult to garner support for international action against those who nevertheless carry it out.
    - Richard N. Haass
  • Dissent is difficult. It can constitute a real dilemma for the person who disagrees.
    - Richard N. Haass