Best quotes by Sophie Ellis-Bextor on Music

Checkout quotes by Sophie Ellis-Bextor on Music

  • I don't think anyone doubts my motives, really. I do what I do and it's not very complicated. Of course, you might hate the music that I make, but I don't think people feel threatened by me just getting on with what I'm up to.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
  • In terms of influence, my style icons have been a mixture of Julie Andrews and Olivia Newton-John. When I was little I used to watch 'Grease,' 'Mary Poppins' and 'The Sound of Music' a lot. If you put all those things together you do kind of get my outfits. A slightly tarty nanny in a second-hand outfit. That is pretty much what I wear.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
  • I think there's quite a lot of cowardice in music. I don't mind if it goes wrong, I just want to go for it.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
  • I've been DJing a little bit, so you get used to the fact that music sounds brilliant when it's loud.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
  • My rule for the corporate stuff is the same as with my music - I do whatever means I can sleep at night and whatever means I can be dignified.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
  • I started my music career at 18 and for a long while I let other people handle my affairs.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
  • Dance music is great, but it's not a time to be reflective or particularly wistful.
    - Sophie Ellis-Bextor