Best quotes by Gretchen Carlson on People

Checkout quotes by Gretchen Carlson on People

  • I am particularly distressed when people in the public eye who influence our culture perpetuate sexism.
    - Gretchen Carlson
  • I defend CNN! I defend all sorts of people when I think it's wrong.
    - Gretchen Carlson
  • A lot of stories that aren't true get out into the mainstream, and it's hard to correct that. People want to hear what they already believe.
    - Gretchen Carlson
  • Maybe it's because I'm short and blond, but people have really underestimated me.
    - Gretchen Carlson
  • Once I turned 40, I stopped giving a rip about my detractors, the people who say nasty things. It's more candid and honest than it would have been. I share my failures, which is important.
    - Gretchen Carlson