Best quotes by Craig Kielburger on World

Checkout quotes by Craig Kielburger on World

  • Time flies when you're changing the world.
    - Craig Kielburger
  • My grandfather came to Canada from Romania just before the Second World War, already in debt after buying his boat ticket on borrowed dime.
    - Craig Kielburger
  • We want to end poverty and protect our environment. But we think the most efficient way of achieving that is to change the way a generation of young people is educated. That's how you'll shift the world.
    - Craig Kielburger
  • We've set up groups in schools across North America. They apply and receive a curriculum about different issues facing the world - from environment to health to sustainability. Then, the students take actions from fundraisers to awareness raisers, and some of them even go overseas and volunteer.
    - Craig Kielburger
  • There's no magic bullet to end poverty in the world. But if you could, the closest thing to it would be basic primary education.
    - Craig Kielburger
  • People in the business world lament economic resources wasted on unsustainable development projects and what they see as activists' naive failure to grasp the importance of building strong economies.
    - Craig Kielburger
  • While governments are not off the hook, the charity world needs to innovate and find new ways to attract outside investment to boost our social productivity.
    - Craig Kielburger