Best quotes by Steven Van Zandt on Life

Checkout quotes by Steven Van Zandt on Life

  • Every successful person needs to have at least one person in their life who's not afraid of them.
    - Steven Van Zandt
  • Little Steven - the songwriter, producer, and arranger - stayed alive doing the 'Lilyhammer' score. That pretty much took up three or four years of my life, and all of my musical energy went into that.
    - Steven Van Zandt
  • Little Steven - the songwriter, producer, and arranger - stayed alive doing the 'Lilyhammer' score. That pretty much took up three or four years of my life, and all of my musical energy went into that.
    - Steven Van Zandt
  • As most of the population suffers through life, barely surviving, disappointed and confused day after day, hopeless, wondering what happened to their strong and beautiful country, it is in the media's power to restore, if not some of our quality of life, at least a bit of our peace of mind.
    - Steven Van Zandt
  • The British invasion was the most important event of my life. I was in New Jersey and the night I saw the Beatles changed everything. I had seen Elvis before and he had done nothing for me, but these guys were in a band.
    - Steven Van Zandt
  • Life should never be boring.
    - Steven Van Zandt