Best quotes by Mayer Hawthorne on People

Checkout quotes by Mayer Hawthorne on People

  • I love doing things that people don't expect.
    - Mayer Hawthorne
  • My singing really seemed to connect with people, and it ended up as my main career, which I love.
    - Mayer Hawthorne
  • People will send me tweets or texts, 'Yo, I'm at Red Lobster now and they're playing Mayer Hawthorne,' more of that kind of stuff, which is hilarious.
    - Mayer Hawthorne
  • I just want to make music as long as I can and reach as many people as I can.
    - Mayer Hawthorne
  • Music is timeless, so I want to give people shows they'll never forget so that I can do this forever.
    - Mayer Hawthorne
  • I think that Detroiters are some of the most resilient people in the world.
    - Mayer Hawthorne
  • I learn the most from trial and error. I learn about what I'd like to be able to do from people like Barbara Mason. Saying I want to sing like Barbara Mason and doing it, it's two very different scenarios.
    - Mayer Hawthorne
  • I couldn't live in L.A. and not be close to the beach, you know, that's like the whole thing. I don't understand people who don't live by the beach. Why would you not?
    - Mayer Hawthorne
  • I've always made sure that I tour with bands that people aren't expecting me to tour with.
    - Mayer Hawthorne
  • A lot of people think I live in a soul bubble.
    - Mayer Hawthorne