Best quotes by David Berman on Me

Checkout quotes by David Berman on Me

  • Yeah, once the song is written, it just complexifies the profile of it to have the music and the words at odds. It comes naturally to me. A lot of my music is like that.
    - David Berman
  • I can't imagine putting my name on a t-shirt. For someone to wear my name? Me? It's ridiculous.
    - David Berman
  • My faith was undermined by the same sort of things that make people skeptics of religion in general. Part of it was, there was no real place for me in Judaism. Maybe if there was I would've hung in there, but I was attracted to the social-justice aspects of Judaism, and I was attracted to the prophets.
    - David Berman
  • Everything I write goes through a lot of drafts. A hundred rewrites is not unusual for me to go through - the last fifty maybe just going back and forth on a single line or word selection.
    - David Berman
  • When art is about craftsmanship, then guys like me don't make it as artists.
    - David Berman
  • Lyrically, country music is the most satisfying music for me.
    - David Berman
  • In my whole life, I've had maybe 10 people who have told me how much my music means to them.
    - David Berman
  • I'm not the type to demand affirmation or to worry that I'll be forgotten. I'm more the type to dare the world to forget me.
    - David Berman