Best quotes by Julia Cameron on Creativity

Checkout quotes by Julia Cameron on Creativity

  • Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise.
    - Julia Cameron
  • Creativity - like human life itself - begins in darkness.
    - Julia Cameron
  • In limits, there is freedom. Creativity thrives within structure. Creating safe havens where our children are allowed to dream, play, make a mess and, yes, clean it up, we teach them respect for themselves and others.
    - Julia Cameron
  • Creativity is always a leap of faith. You're faced with a blank page, blank easel, or an empty stage.
    - Julia Cameron
  • Faith is almost the bottom line of creativity; it requires a leap of faith any time we undertake a creative endeavor, whether this is going to the easel, or the page, or onto the stage - or for that matter, in a homelier way, picking out the right fabric for the kitchen curtains, which is also a creative act.
    - Julia Cameron
  • When I ask for help with my creativity, I get it.
    - Julia Cameron
  • For most people, creativity is a serious business. They forget the telling phrase 'the play of ideas' and think that they need to knuckle down and work more. Often, the reverse is true. They need to play.
    - Julia Cameron