Best quotes by Susan Rosenberg on Government

Checkout quotes by Susan Rosenberg on Government

  • I ran... I didn't trust the government. I was really afraid. I believe now that that was the fatal mistake of my life.
    - Susan Rosenberg
  • I've done everything I know in my heart on every level to take responsibility for what I think I have to. I'm not going to take responsibility for something the government thinks that I should because they think I should.
    - Susan Rosenberg
  • We are innocent. We are not criminals or terrorists. We are revolutionary guerillas and have been captured in the course of building a resistance to this government.
    - Susan Rosenberg
  • The U.S. government does not recognize the existence of political prisoners in our country. The identity of political prisoners is concealed and, consequently, their right to justice is denied.
    - Susan Rosenberg
  • The war against the Black Liberation movement by the FBI/U.S. government was most influential for me in seeing the necessity for armed self-defense.
    - Susan Rosenberg