Best quotes by Andy Grammer on Time

Checkout quotes by Andy Grammer on Time

  • It's not hard to create a song, but to write a song that's really going affect somebody? That takes a hell of a lot of time.
    - Andy Grammer
  • 'The Good Parts' is me telling as much as I can of the deeper sides of myself that I haven't shared before. It's like an onion that gets deeper every time you cut it.
    - Andy Grammer
  • Touring is really hard because you're gone for three months at a time.
    - Andy Grammer
  • I think I was 15 the first time I wrote a good song.
    - Andy Grammer
  • I think that's what makes a great show: when the performers onstage aren't putting on a show, they're legitimately just having a freaking awesome time.
    - Andy Grammer