Best quotes by Dan Crenshaw on People

Checkout quotes by Dan Crenshaw on People

  • If you're criticizing Israel, but you're doing it in a way that implies that the Jewish people in America have a dual loyalty, that's anti-Semitism. It's more than just criticizing Israeli policy.
    - Dan Crenshaw
  • The role of government is to tax the people to the least extent possible while still taxing them enough to cover the basic needs for government.
    - Dan Crenshaw
  • I will attack ideas very hard. I am not shy about that one bit. So I don't want people to think that because I had a call for civility that that means I shy away from debate and that I'm agreeable. That's not the case. What is the case is that I will not question who you are as a person.
    - Dan Crenshaw
  • If you think winning means a porous border with 400,000 people apprehended illegally every year, then your definition of winning is different than mine.
    - Dan Crenshaw
  • It is a miracle that I can see at all and continue serving the American people.
    - Dan Crenshaw