Best quotes by Thom Mayne on Work

Checkout quotes by Thom Mayne on Work

  • So I am totally aware that when I defend the autonomy of art I'm going counter to my own development. It's more an instinctive reaction, meant to protect the private aspect of the work, the part I am most interested in and which nowadays is at risk in our culture.
    - Thom Mayne
  • Descriptions of my work depress me. They make me feel pinned down.
    - Thom Mayne
  • I've learned that in order to achieve what I wanted, it made more sense to negotiate than to defend the autonomy of my work by pounding my fist on the table.
    - Thom Mayne
  • Scientific reality is the modern human condition, and you can see that in the symbolic nature of my work.
    - Thom Mayne
  • Architecture is involved with the world, but at the same time it has a certain autonomy. This autonomy cannot be explained in terms of traditional logic because the most interesting parts of the work are non-verbal. They operate within the terms of the work, like any art.
    - Thom Mayne
  • For me the meaning of my work is much more fluid.
    - Thom Mayne
  • Who I am as an architect and the history of my work - that's clear to anybody who hires me. But I come in literally with nothing in my brain about what the building will look like.
    - Thom Mayne
  • Look around at day-to-day life for ideas, and it finds its way into your work.
    - Thom Mayne
  • I think my clients would tell you I'm a problem solver. I'm not there to agree with people. I'm there to articulate a point of view. Am I insistent and tenacious? Absolutely. I could not get this work done if I was not.
    - Thom Mayne
  • I'm not a tabula rasa type. In some ways, the more constraints I have, the work is more interesting to me.
    - Thom Mayne