Best quotes by Charles Oakley on Game

Checkout quotes by Charles Oakley on Game

  • I'm a veteran. I understand the game. I can control a game. I understand systems. I can play several positions.
    - Charles Oakley
  • I don't like 7-footers shooting threes, it's a disrespect to the game for me.
    - Charles Oakley
  • I was in New York, I went to a Yankees game and I called and said, 'Can I get tickets to the Knicks game?' They said, 'We can't get you tickets no more to the Knicks game.'... They had tickets, but they said they didn't have no tickets for me.
    - Charles Oakley
  • When you play 40 minutes a game, you're going to average a lot of rebounds.
    - Charles Oakley
  • In the old days Michael Jordan and Larry Bird worked for everything they got. They worked hard on their game.
    - Charles Oakley
  • A lot of guys do the pretty things. Dunking, tattoos, earrings, sagging jeans. That's the league now. They have athletic ability, but they don't know the game.
    - Charles Oakley