Best quotes by Michelle Kwan on Time

Checkout quotes by Michelle Kwan on Time

  • In figure skating, you have four minutes to do your best. It's your time; you do your best.
    - Michelle Kwan
  • I don't really remember a time younger than 5 years old that I didn't have skates on because all I can remember is every day, tying up my skates and a big smile on my face, excited to go on the ice.
    - Michelle Kwan
  • Skating takes up 70 percent of my time, school about 25 percent. Having fun and talking to my friends, 5 percent. It's hard. I envy other kids a lot of things, but I get a guilt trip when I'm not training.
    - Michelle Kwan
  • You see figure skaters fall all the time. It's the way you pick yourself back up and keep going.
    - Michelle Kwan
  • As a kid, falling was embarrassing. As I got older, I got used to falling and picking myself back up. There's not a sense of failure. It's of disappointment. You train so hard to not make mistakes. When you do, you're learning from that. How do I improve? How do I get better for the next time? Through every failure, there's something to be learned.
    - Michelle Kwan
  • As an athlete, that's something I always take with me. You fall every day, whether it's in a job, or you miss something else, but you learn how to do it better next time. You learn it in sports. That's a life lesson.
    - Michelle Kwan