Best quotes by Rivers Cuomo on Time

Checkout quotes by Rivers Cuomo on Time

  • Most people don't really need to hear a six-minute guitar solo that modulates between five keys and time signatures. What they want is a good song.
    - Rivers Cuomo
  • I was fixated on Prince's 'Black Album' for a long time.
    - Rivers Cuomo
  • I'm constantly fighting with my manager to reduce the amount of time I have to spend on promotional activities, so I can get back in the studio and work on new music.
    - Rivers Cuomo
  • I always like balance. If I'm playing rock music all the time, chances are I'll start craving some lighter, poppier stuff, both to listen to and to play. I compare music to massage. If someone's been working on your back for a long time, you really want them to move down to your legs or something.
    - Rivers Cuomo
  • Nothing sounded as sincere as Nirvana's music. It took a long time for me to accept that any other music could be good in other ways. Including my own.
    - Rivers Cuomo
  • I think I've been skeptical of violent passion for a long time. I think 'Pinkerton' is about that a lot - seeing how, every time I've felt really passionate for someone, as soon as I 'acquire' them or feel like I've acquired them, the passion goes away.
    - Rivers Cuomo