Best quotes by Claudia Winkleman on Time

Checkout quotes by Claudia Winkleman on Time

  • Christmas is not a time for laughter. Christmas is a time for pain.
    - Claudia Winkleman
  • Who actually enjoys skiing? Come on, even Olympic ski masters, even James Bond, think that dressing up in all that fluorescent, insulated kit and having to manoeuvre down a mountain in the freezing cold is no way to spend leisure time.
    - Claudia Winkleman
  • When you're down and have just split up from your partner everyone says you have to move forward. 'Get on with your life,' 'It's time to meet someone new,' and 'Don't think about the past' are phrases you'll hear for at least six months after the horrible event.
    - Claudia Winkleman
  • I love skiing. What on earth have I been doing on a beach all this time? I mean, that's for morons - you can get sunburn and really damage yourself.
    - Claudia Winkleman
  • Yes, of course I love little Sarah Jessica Parker. I love the fact that when she accepts awards, she thanks everyone she's ever met and inanimate objects that have 'been kind to her.' And I love the fact that she hasn't had a flesh-coloured mole removed from her forehead (I'm not making it up; have a closer look next time she's on the screen).
    - Claudia Winkleman
  • Seriously, Jamie Cullum could be the smallest person on the planet. He might be lovely and charming and you might think we all should spend more time talking about his piano-playing techniques but, seriously, have you seen how short he is?
    - Claudia Winkleman
  • Now, like a lot of parents, I have to fight with myself every time I leave the house not to buy my children more stuff.
    - Claudia Winkleman