Best quotes by Christopher Walken on Time

Checkout quotes by Christopher Walken on Time

  • I don't have a lot of hobbies. I don't play golf. I don't have any children. Things that occupy people's time. I just try to take jobs.
    - Christopher Walken
  • People come up to me all the time in New York. Not for autographs, but to talk about movies, often in a very scientific way.
    - Christopher Walken
  • I was sort of a jack-of-all-trades in show business for a long time. I was a singer and a dancer, and then I got a job as an actor.
    - Christopher Walken
  • By the time I was 7, I did walk-ons, catalogue modeling, you name it. In the Queens where I grew up, you didn't go bowling on Saturday; you went to dancing school.
    - Christopher Walken
  • I think that weddings have probably been crashed since the beginning of time. Cavemen crashed them. You go to meet girls. It makes sense.
    - Christopher Walken
  • One thing that's happened to me is I've been around a long time and I've played a lot of villains and so forth. I think it had to do with, well one thing is that I looked younger than I was for a long time. Now I think I'm suddenly starting to play people's father.
    - Christopher Walken
  • Morning is the best time to see movies.
    - Christopher Walken
  • I like to stand in my kitchen with the script on a counter that's about chest high. Usually I do something else at the same time - make a chicken or slice vegetables - and all day long I just read it over and over and over.
    - Christopher Walken
  • I don't know why people eat so badly. I could eat pasta all the time, but it really is fattening. And I love ice cream, but I can't do that. There was a time, until I was in my mid-forties, when I could eat a whole pizza - and really, no effect.
    - Christopher Walken