Best quotes by Tom Segura on Me

Checkout quotes by Tom Segura on Me

  • It's okay for me to make jokes about disabled people and people with horrible diseases because they make me uncomfortable, and I don't want to be like them.
    - Tom Segura
  • I don't want to lose weight to live long or be healthy. I just want to be able to make fun of fat people again and know for sure that they're fatter than me.
    - Tom Segura
  • I know there are a lot of comics that put their kids all over social media, but I think it's weird. There are over 100,000 people following you. To me, it feels like you should probably tone that down.
    - Tom Segura
  • When you shoot a special, you have no idea what's going to happen, and the fact that I got to do the first one with Comedy Dynamics was a roll of the dice. It was a game changer for me professionally.
    - Tom Segura
  • The thing for me is that my natural state is to be reserved and not share.
    - Tom Segura
  • Vancouver just feels comfortable to me.
    - Tom Segura