Best quotes by Christopher Guest on Movies

Checkout quotes by Christopher Guest on Movies

  • The movies have a way of seeping out there over time. We don't put them in 2,000 theaters. It wouldn't work that way.
    - Christopher Guest
  • Many times I'll improvise it, which isn't done a lot in movies or commercials. But a lot of my commercials are improvised.
    - Christopher Guest
  • All these movies are observational comedies. I see somebody, maybe a dry cleaner, and notice how they are. Maybe I'll decide to turn a person with those traits into a studio chief.
    - Christopher Guest
  • I don't read anything about my movies before or after I do films, or any part of show business. I think that keeps me in a kind of place where I can do the work that I need to do.
    - Christopher Guest
  • My passion is more specific, in the sense that I've always liked doing comedy. I've always liked doing music. I like acting. And apparently, you need those things in movies.
    - Christopher Guest
  • You can't improvise without a skeletal structure; you can't just go in and start talking. This is a very misunderstood craft because no one else makes movies like this.
    - Christopher Guest