Best quotes by Russell Tovey on Me

Checkout quotes by Russell Tovey on Me

  • I never felt I was attractive to women. I felt I was attractive to men when I was growing up. And even now, if a woman fancies me, I find that a bit alienating.
    - Russell Tovey
  • Being an uncle brings me utter joy.
    - Russell Tovey
  • For me to play gay, it has to be something special because it might actually be more of a risk. So I'm waiting for that role - I want it to be something that moves things forward.
    - Russell Tovey
  • Someone outed me when I was 20, and I thought, 'Well, that's out there now...' Nobody made a massive fuss because I wasn't very well known.
    - Russell Tovey
  • The only thing I can give to young gay people is that when I was growing up, there were no role models that were blokey that were men. Everybody was flamboyant and camp, and I remember going, 'That's not me, so even though I think I am gay, I don't think I fit into this world.'
    - Russell Tovey
  • I think a part of me romantically thinks it would be amazing to learn to dance or ice skate, but in reality, I don't think it would be beneficial to my career.
    - Russell Tovey
  • Romantically, in my head, I'm Rambo, but if someone's shouting at me, I get adrenalin shakes and go red. When I'm really low, I have a good cry.
    - Russell Tovey
  • I auditioned for the role of Jamie Mitchell in 'EastEnders,' and it was between me and Jack Ryder, and he got it.
    - Russell Tovey