Best quotes by Chris O'Donnell on Family

Checkout quotes by Chris O'Donnell on Family

  • I knew when I got into this business I couldn't have it both ways: I could live the playboy lifestyle, which is not a bad thing to do, or have a traditional family life, which is how I grew up. And that was more important to me.
    - Chris O'Donnell
  • I look to my family for my support. I'm fortunate to have a big family.
    - Chris O'Donnell
  • I'm from a big family - I'm the youngest of seven - and my wife is one of four. So we always wanted a lot of kids. It's what we're used to, and for us it's what life is all about.
    - Chris O'Donnell
  • I'm definitely the most tech-savvy in my family. My wife wouldn't have a clue, as far as getting the computer working. All of my kids, it's amazing. Like everybody's kids, they're more savvy than I am, probably.
    - Chris O'Donnell
  • Some people aren't touchy-feely, but I grew up in a family where you'd walk into the family room and there'd be five people on the couch with an arm here, an arm there, everyone scratching and taking turns.
    - Chris O'Donnell