Best quotes by Chris Murphy on Care

Checkout quotes by Chris Murphy on Care

  • Too many families know what it's like to have to choose between providing care for a family member and keeping their job.
    - Chris Murphy
  • I arrived in Hartford as a 25-year-old naive state legislator who believed in universal health care. I rose to become the 29-year-old Chairman of the legislature's Health Committee.
    - Chris Murphy
  • I served on the committee in the U.S. House that wrote the Affordable Care Act. I defended it back home in endless town halls. I got elected to the Senate, and when no one wanted to stand up for the ACA in its early days, I took up the cause, going to the Senate floor nearly every week to extol its virtues.
    - Chris Murphy
  • As I'm learning, Republicans seem to only care about deficits when a Democrat is in the White House.
    - Chris Murphy
  • The Choose Medicare Act will let people of all ages buy into Medicare as their health care plan, and it would let any business also buy into Medicare and offer it to its employees.
    - Chris Murphy
  • There's no denying that if I were designing a health care system from scratch, I'd build a Medicare for All system.
    - Chris Murphy