Best quotes by Julian Casablancas on People

Checkout quotes by Julian Casablancas on People

  • Religion is never the problem; it's the people who use it to gain power.
    - Julian Casablancas
  • A tour is the most intense, stimulating way to hear music; it's the best form to receive it. There's genuine excitement from people. I feel like we've stepped up a level.
    - Julian Casablancas
  • If the choice is between doing something supercool and having no one hear it and doing something equally cool and tricking people into putting it on the radio, I don't think the second option is some big sellout.
    - Julian Casablancas
  • Boarding school didn't feel like my world, I felt like an alien; people there had a lot of money.
    - Julian Casablancas
  • Compared to people in Africa, I think we've all had privileged upbringings.
    - Julian Casablancas
  • I think I used to do everything and then people had a problem with that within the band, so we're doing more of a communal thing.
    - Julian Casablancas
  • You know some of the people in The Strokes, yeah, their parents had success - but we didn't live like yuppies.
    - Julian Casablancas
  • I think a lot of people study the rules too much and then don't know how to be creative.
    - Julian Casablancas