Best quotes by CeeLo Green on Music

Checkout quotes by CeeLo Green on Music

  • Balance is key. Balance is a virtue. Balance is next to godliness, maybe. We should all aspire to better balance. Too much of what is said in this world is one-sided, and we need more balance - in our speech, in our music, in our art, in everything.
    - CeeLo Green
  • I don't even know if hip-hop is music anymore. It's definitely rhythm. It's definitely tempo. It's definitely beats per minute. But it's product. And television is product placement for the most part. It's not passion.
    - CeeLo Green
  • I want to burn as a beacon of possibility. I don't want nobody to misconstrue the commercial success I've had as anything other than an example of what black music is capable of. And what it's capable of is being more than just black. I'm not black or white anymore. I'm Cee Lo Green.
    - CeeLo Green
  • Music is a means of spreading the good word and spreading positivity and productivity. Those things speak to me.
    - CeeLo Green
  • Music saved my life. The voice you hear, the soul, the pain, is that of a person who deeply, deeply, deeply appreciates the opportunity they've been given.
    - CeeLo Green
  • I cry all the time. Music makes me cry.
    - CeeLo Green
  • Music definitely gave me a focus. I was an artist without an outlet. Let's just say if I was not famous, I could have been infamous. I could've had my own episode of 'American Gangster.'
    - CeeLo Green
  • Goodie Mob is my passion, the core of me, the fight, the struggle. I'm still as much of an underdog as I ever was, and my music is still as anti-establishment as it ever was. I want to satisfy that rebel side. It's not null and void. I'm a whole being, and I'm just coming back full circle.
    - CeeLo Green
  • Ultimately, I'm a fan of music. I describe writing music sometimes as hieroglyphics, like, you know, excavating, gently brushing off these artifacts and discovering the song underneath it all. It seems as if it is already written in it.
    - CeeLo Green