Best quotes by Catherine Zeta-Jones on Day

Checkout quotes by Catherine Zeta-Jones on Day

  • When I first met Sean Connery he was as charming and wonderful as I first anticipated. I left Rome thinking: even if I don't do this, at least I have had a day with Sean.
    - Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • I'm intimidated every day I go on the stage and everyday I go on a movie set. It's terrifying and I always want to reshoot the first day or the first week, I'm so terrified.
    - Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • I get terrified the first day I'm on a film set. I get nervous walking down a red carpet. I find making speeches the most terrifying thing in the world.
    - Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • I love clothes, and yes, we go out, but it's not like I'm walking around all day in a negligee with fluffy mules.
    - Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • I'm obsessed with hula-hooping. I do it for 20 minutes a day. I don't use the old-fashioned hollow plastic kind we had when we were kids, but I discovered a new one at Danskin that's smaller and weighted.
    - Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • I'm quite a broad girl, not at all delicate. I watch what I eat to stay in shape, but I'm against diets. I eat when I'm hungry, three meals a day.
    - Catherine Zeta-Jones