Best quotes by Carolyn Maloney on Women

Checkout quotes by Carolyn Maloney on Women

  • I was proud to be an original cosponsor of the Violence Against Women Act when Congress passed it in 1994, and was proud to support the previous renewals in 2000 and 2005. These bills always enjoyed large, bipartisan support.
    - Carolyn Maloney
  • The proposal that men and women should be treated equally under the law is hardly a controversial concept.
    - Carolyn Maloney
  • While men's rights are guaranteed by specific language in the Constitution, women's equal rights aren't mentioned.
    - Carolyn Maloney
  • The only way to ensure equality for women is to clearly declare it in our Constitution.
    - Carolyn Maloney
  • We cannot ensure that women will be free of discrimination in the workplace and everywhere as long as women are not universally defended under our Constitution. As it stands now, the equal rights of women are subject to interpretation of law. That is a risk our mothers, sisters and daughters cannot afford.
    - Carolyn Maloney
  • Women deserve the same permanent rights and explicit protections given men in the Constitution.
    - Carolyn Maloney