Best quotes by Jeff Dean on Learning

Checkout quotes by Jeff Dean on Learning

  • The idea behind reinforcement learning is you don't necessarily know the actions you might take, so you explore the sequence of actions you should take by taking one that you think is a good idea and then observing how the world reacts. Like in a board game where you can react to how your opponent plays.
    - Jeff Dean
  • Deep learning is a really powerful metaphor for learning about the world.
    - Jeff Dean
  • Machine learning is a new way of creating problem solving.
    - Jeff Dean
  • It's pretty clear that machine learning is going to a big part of science and engineering.
    - Jeff Dean
  • Transportation, with self-driving vehicles, is going to be a big use of machine learning.
    - Jeff Dean
  • Definitely there's growing use of machine learning across Google products, both data-center-based services, but also much more of our stuff is running on device on the phone.
    - Jeff Dean
  • I think there are a lot of industries that are collecting a lot of data and have not yet considered the implications of machine learning but will ultimately use it.
    - Jeff Dean
  • I think that is one of the main goals of pushing forward in machine learning: having computers provide the wisdom that a human companion would be able to provide in offering advice, looking up more information when necessary and those kinds of things.
    - Jeff Dean
  • If you only have 10 examples of something, it's going to be hard to make deep learning work. If you have 100,000 things you care about, records or whatever, that's the kind of scale where you should really start thinking about these kinds of techniques.
    - Jeff Dean
  • There's a lot of work in machine learning systems that is not actually machine learning.
    - Jeff Dean
  • I am concerned in general about carbon emissions and machine learning.
    - Jeff Dean
  • A lot of human learning comes from unsupervised learning where you're just sort of observing the world around you and understanding how things behave.
    - Jeff Dean
  • I think one of the things about reinforcement learning is that it tends to require exploration. So using it in the context of physical systems is somewhat hard.
    - Jeff Dean
  • Reinforcement learning is the idea of being able to assign credit or blame to all the actions you took along the way while you were getting that reward signal.
    - Jeff Dean
  • Supervised learning works so well when you have the right data set, but ultimately unsupervised learning is going to be a really important component in building really intelligent systems - if you look at how humans learn, it's almost entirely unsupervised.
    - Jeff Dean
  • It would be great to have every engineer have at least some amount of knowledge of machine learning.
    - Jeff Dean
  • Previously, we might use machine learning in a few sub-components of a system. Now we actually use machine learning to replace entire sets of systems, rather than trying to make a better machine learning model for each of the pieces.
    - Jeff Dean