Best quotes by Marisa Miller on People

Checkout quotes by Marisa Miller on People

  • People say you shouldn't eat carbs, but that's crap. I just try to stay away from white ones.
    - Marisa Miller
  • I'm really close to my parents and my sisters. It is awesome to have a built-in support system and people who love you unconditionally. I wouldn't be the person I am without my crew!
    - Marisa Miller
  • I loved my second trimester! I didn't feel sick anymore and had more energy. My bloated belly turned into a baby bump, and I definitely looked pregnant. That was a relief because when I was around 4.5 months, you could see people having this inner monologue with themselves, wondering if I ate too much pizza or if I was pregnant.
    - Marisa Miller
  • I think there's a stereotype of what a biker is, and I think that's one of the reasons people are shocked when they find out that I ride. I've been trying to break down the stereotypes and inspire new riders.
    - Marisa Miller
  • Yes, I receive fan mail. One of my favorite things to do is sit down and read the letters people write. It's really amazing the time people take to write these letters, tell their stories, draw pictures, etc.
    - Marisa Miller