Best quotes by Carol S. Dweck on People

Checkout quotes by Carol S. Dweck on People

  • The hallmark of successful people is that they are always stretching themselves to learn new things.
    - Carol S. Dweck
  • Everybody who's been successful has gotten lots of help and input from many, many people.
    - Carol S. Dweck
  • When I was in graduate school, I became very interested in why some kids took on challenges and were able to bounce back from setbacks whereas others shy away from difficulty and really crumble when they hit failures. I became fascinated with people who had that kind of courage to take on challenges.
    - Carol S. Dweck
  • Scholars are deeply gratified when their ideas catch on. And they are even more gratified when their ideas make a difference - improving motivation, innovation, or productivity, for example. But popularity has a price: people sometimes distort ideas and, therefore, fail to reap their benefits.
    - Carol S. Dweck
  • We're not saying people don't need fuel for strenuous work; they just don't need it constantly. People have many more resources at hand than they might think.
    - Carol S. Dweck
  • We want to design interventions to teach people how to harness their considerable willpower.
    - Carol S. Dweck