Best quotes by Carol Moseley Braun on People

Checkout quotes by Carol Moseley Braun on People

  • I think the legacy of the civil rights movement is that now whites are more open to being represented by people of color or people who are women or, again, non-traditional candidates.
    - Carol Moseley Braun
  • To me, that means getting back to the point where our Constitution means that you don't tap people's phones and poke into their e-mail and you don't arrest people and keep them hidden for a year and a half without charging them.
    - Carol Moseley Braun
  • I think it does suggest that the American people really do want to listen to somebody who actually has some solutions, some answers, and gives them some hope.
    - Carol Moseley Braun
  • Bush is giving the rich a tax cut instead of putting that cut in the pockets of working people.
    - Carol Moseley Braun
  • The failure in Ohio to have adequate voting capacity for the people who were registered and eligible to vote was an absolute denial of their right to vote.
    - Carol Moseley Braun
  • All I really want to be is boring. When people talk about me, I'd like them to say, Carol's basically a short Bill Bradley. Or, Carol's kind of like Al Gore in a skirt.
    - Carol Moseley Braun