Best quotes by John Leguizamo on Love

Checkout quotes by John Leguizamo on Love

  • I love what I do. I would hate to give it up. But if I could, I would run for office in Texas. I would run someplace heinous to make a difference.
    - John Leguizamo
  • I love the power of theater. I think it's an experience you never forget.
    - John Leguizamo
  • I love independent films, it's the only place as an actor you're totally allowed to breathe.
    - John Leguizamo
  • I like drama. I love being in a drama where I get to be the funny guy. That's what I really love the most.
    - John Leguizamo
  • Independent film is for actors that love to act.
    - John Leguizamo
  • I love life, man, and I embrace every minute of it, so maybe I bring that on the set.
    - John Leguizamo
  • I'd love to do some period pieces and some historic work; I just feel like no one's tapped into Latin history and Latin contributions to the making of America, and we've been there over 500 years.
    - John Leguizamo
  • My kids help fix my technology, but Twitter is my everything - I love Twitter.
    - John Leguizamo