Best quotes by Campbell Brown on People

Checkout quotes by Campbell Brown on People

  • I'm interested in full disclosure for people who give money to politicians. But I'm not a politician. I'm an advocate.
    - Campbell Brown
  • People say, 'Are you going to be beating up one side or the other side?' It's everybody. It's the entire education establishment that is in power.
    - Campbell Brown
  • To some people, Common Core means what it actually is, which is a set of standards. That's not necessarily most people. To other people, Common Core is a new curriculum that's been implemented at their school that they don't understand. It's applying new teaching tools.
    - Campbell Brown
  • Common Core isn't a test, but for some people it is, because they don't like the testing piece of it.
    - Campbell Brown
  • I know people talk about poverty and other factors, but there is very little I can do to ensure that a child has a stable two-parent home. But what if we can give them a shot in the classroom with a stable, high-standards environment?
    - Campbell Brown