Best quotes by Hiro Murai on Music

Checkout quotes by Hiro Murai on Music

  • Music videos were an outlet. They were the jobs most easily available to me, but creatively, they're also so free form; there are no rules whatsoever.
    - Hiro Murai
  • I think music videos in particular and film in general - it's really good at communicating tone and feeling.
    - Hiro Murai
  • Some people draw a line between music videos and short films, looking down on music videos as a format, but there's so much potential in music videos.
    - Hiro Murai
  • I usually work in music videos, where we shoot, like, 10 to 12 setups and 60 shots or something.
    - Hiro Murai
  • Whether it's a TV show or a music video, the seed of the idea is what's driving my decisions, not the format or the outcome.
    - Hiro Murai
  • Regularly in music videos, I'll write the pitch and convince the artists that this is a good idea, and then I'm having to make concessions to meet in the middle.
    - Hiro Murai
  • I've loved music all my life.
    - Hiro Murai
  • The most difficult thing about music videos is that a lot of young filmmakers come into the medium, and they have so many different ideas, but they need to understand what the musician wants.
    - Hiro Murai
  • Two things - one is obvious: always keep making. The second thing, with regard to music videos specifically - the music video industry can be a place that takes advantage of young freelancers and filmmakers. Make sure you're making stuff that you're proud of and you can get behind.
    - Hiro Murai
  • Part of the fun is finding out how elastic that box is and, you know, test the limits of what TV shows can do or what a music video can do.
    - Hiro Murai