Best quotes by Washed Out on Time

Checkout quotes by Washed Out on Time

  • For the longest time, I was trying to be DJ Shadow, I think. But I slowly developed my own style. It was trial and error, for sure.
    - Washed Out
  • Over a year's time, I felt like I squeezed in five years of touring experience, which was a really huge help moving forward.
    - Washed Out
  • I personally love the record-making more than the actually performing and travelling. It's funny, the drastic shift in lifestyle that comes with it. It certainly satisfies my more adventurous side, but it leaves little time for contemplation and all of that.
    - Washed Out
  • I was definitely the kid in the back of the class with his head down the whole time not wanting to speak up and say anything.
    - Washed Out
  • I definitely enjoy my time by myself - and that's kind of the weird thing about touring; you're kind of constantly surrounded by people - but I actually do enjoy going out and doing things and being around people.
    - Washed Out
  • It's a weird dynamic - I guess there is a fine line between hope and sadness. Sometimes you can be feeling both at the same time.
    - Washed Out