Best quotes by Bradley Wiggins on Life

Checkout quotes by Bradley Wiggins on Life

  • I was born in Belgium, but we moved to Kilburn when I was one, so 'Time Out' has always been in the background of my life.
    - Bradley Wiggins
  • I feel a different person in a lot of ways. I feel much more professional and dedicated to my trade than I used to be. I appreciate this ability I've got - and don't take it for granted any more. That fits every aspect of my life now.
    - Bradley Wiggins
  • I feel a different person in a lot of ways. I feel much more professional and dedicated to my trade than I used to be. I appreciate this ability I've got - and don't take it for granted any more. That fits every aspect of my life now.
    - Bradley Wiggins
  • Things change; your priorities change in life. So I'd never think of riding 100 miles on Christmas Day now, because I've got two kids, and it's selfish.
    - Bradley Wiggins
  • People think sport is life and death - it's not.
    - Bradley Wiggins