Best quotes by Brad Holland on Art

Checkout quotes by Brad Holland on Art

  • Surrealism: An archaic term. Formerly an art movement. No longer distinguishable from everyday life.
    - Brad Holland
  • Many of the contradictions in Postmodern art come from the fact that we're trying to be artists in a democratic society. This is because in a democracy, the ideal is compromise. In art, it isn't.
    - Brad Holland
  • Art imitates life. Life imitates high school.
    - Brad Holland
  • Commercial art is traditionally delivered to a client in a brown-paper bag with an invoice stapled to the outside.
    - Brad Holland
  • Cubism is still the most important art movement for the same reason that John D. is still the most important Rockefeller.
    - Brad Holland
  • In America, the only truly popular art form is the movies. Most people consider painting a hobby and literature, schoolwork.
    - Brad Holland
  • Political art expresses the cliches you agree with, unlike propaganda, which expresses the cliches you don't.
    - Brad Holland
  • All the other kids in ninth grade were drawing hot rods and cocker spaniels and getting blue ribbons in art class. I was getting rejection slips from the 'Saturday Evening Post.'
    - Brad Holland
  • New Wave art was the rage of the eighties. Now it's exhibited in oldies-but-goodies museums, usually in black-and-pink frames.
    - Brad Holland