Best quotes by Bobby Riggs on Man

Checkout quotes by Bobby Riggs on Man

  • No. 1, women should be in the bedroom. No. 2, get to the kitchen. No. 3, support the man, support the king.
    - Bobby Riggs
  • No woman ever lived who could compete with a man on an equal basis - even a 55-year-old man. There's a lot of talk about Women's Lib. They feel they're worth as much as the guys, but they can't play a lick if they can't beat a 55-year-old guy.
    - Bobby Riggs
  • I like women. I like them so much, I think every man should own two.
    - Bobby Riggs
  • The man is king. The man is supreme.
    - Bobby Riggs
  • I consider myself just a lovable old man who just loves women. I've reversed 100 percent.
    - Bobby Riggs