Best quotes by Bobby Darin on Me

Checkout quotes by Bobby Darin on Me

  • My family comes first. Maybe that's what makes me different from other guys.
    - Bobby Darin
  • I don't know what it is to love the way they love-they would jump off a bridge for me. I can't do that. I can only say, I owe you.
    - Bobby Darin
  • Maybe I should quit the business. There's no one left for me to love. Mama's dead. Mr. Burns couldn't care less about me. What's left?
    - Bobby Darin
  • Who am I that I have to sing under an umbrella? These people are my fans, and if they can stand in the rain to hear me sing, I can stand in the rain.
    - Bobby Darin
  • The Democratic Party of California is ready to sponsor me. All I have to do is find the right office to run for.
    - Bobby Darin
  • Show me any top entertainer or top business executive, and I'll show you a guy who has mapped out his life from the very start.
    - Bobby Darin
  • Nearly everything I do is part of a master plan to make me the most important entertainer in the world.
    - Bobby Darin
  • Mr. Burns is a father symbol to me, and you can omit the word symbol.
    - Bobby Darin