Best quotes by Cory Barlog on Me

Checkout quotes by Cory Barlog on Me

  • For me, human beings have a very difficult time changing. It's one of the hardest things to do.
    - Cory Barlog
  • Throughout my life, I've seen that everybody has had something to teach me and, strangely, it's always something relevant to what I'm going through at that point.
    - Cory Barlog
  • Picking just one game above all is nearly impossible for me, but if I had to, it would be 'Metal Gear Solid.' I remember being completely blown away with the story, the mechanics and the overall presentation on my first playthrough.
    - Cory Barlog
  • The Uncharted' series really pushed me as a developer. They managed to raise the bar with every single release and produce an action- packed thrill ride starring characters I wanted to hang out with, and mechanics I can easily pick up and play.
    - Cory Barlog
  • Play the way you want to play. I want to give as much power back over to the player as possible. That's where games are leaning: give me the tools, let me do what I want to do with it. Let me solve the problem the way I want to solve it - experience the combat the way I want to experience it.
    - Cory Barlog
  • I don't want to work on any games that don't have some kind of story component because that is the draw for me.
    - Cory Barlog
  • Competition doesn't drive me. It's not to say that competition is bad, it's not to say that competitive games are bad because I love that those that exist, but it's not my thing.
    - Cory Barlog